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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Time Line

~ The boys recived $6,000 a peice
~ Jim expanded the tale and the slaves believed the witch story 
~ The "witches" are "after" them
~Made an oath and agreed with it
~Huck started to like school
~ Got kid napped by his dad and didn't really care
~ Huck noticed boot tracks near his house and immediately went to the judge

In the 1830's 

Describe the time period of the novel

The time period in adventures of huckleberry Finn is sometime in the 1830's through the 1840's because of the way they act in the book and where they live

How does the perspective/point-of-view of the narrator influence the story?

The book "Adventures of Huckleberry finn" is held in the present tense. The narrator which is Huckleberry finn is really good because the way he ays things and what is happening in the book makes it sound like it actually happened.

Chapter 12-16

  1. What is the story of king solomon and his child? How does Jim interpret that story?

Because Huck tells Jim the famous story about the two women who said they had the same baby, and how King Solomon's decided to chop the baby in half. Jim said it makes no sense since half a child is of no use to anyone and it was foolish of him.

2.When Jim wakes up after their separation in the fog, what does Jim’s reaction to Huck’s joke tell us about him? How do you feel about Jim at this point

Well Huck and Jim found a lot of valuables from the robbers. And when they were in the woods they just relaxed and waited a little before traveling again, Also Huck and Jim talked what Huck calls their “adventures.” And Jim said didn’t enjoy the adventures, because they could easily end in his death or capture.

3.Jim is very superstitious. From a historical standpoint, why do you feel about Jim at this point

Because when Jim said said that handling a snake-skin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn't got to the end of it yet. I feel that Jim is a very suspicious and sneaky person.  Because jim always says things that are suspicious.

4.It was fifteen minutes before i could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger- but i done it, and i weren’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.” What does this line tell us about Huck

This line tells us that Huck couldn’t see himself being like the others when he goes up to an african american, and he is a humble person that doesn’t seem to care about race.

5. At the end of chapter 16 Huck is struggling with giving Jim up. Outline the battle that he has with himself, and explain his actions when the men come up looking for the 5 escaped slaves

Well because each time Jim said that he will be free, Huck just felt guilty since it was breaking the law, but Jim is his friend. But Huck felt like he could even worse if he turned Jim into the authorities, and thought it would better if he let Jim escape.

Huckleberry Finn 17-21

1.Describe the Grangerford family (Chapter 17 &18).

They don't like Shepherdsons and are hesitant about Huck being one. The kid Buck said that if a Shepherdson appeared then he'd probably kill him. Besides that, they seem like a king family.

2.Mark Twain alludes that the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons is about traditional feuds between farmer (“granger”) and rancher (“shepherd”). Why would he write this into the novel? What does it say about these two occupations at this time  (Chapter 18)? He'd probably add this in the novel because it's like a bit of competition between the two. They're both pretty similar, and one might think the other is stupid or nonsense.

3.Toward the end of chapter 18 Huck says “I don’t want to talk much about the next day. I reckon I’ll cut it pretty short.” Huck says this prior to telling us about the big battle. How does our narrator’s perspective play a role in what we think and feel reading this section (Chapter 18)?

It shows that the fight really affected Huck, and he kinda just wants to forget about what happened and doesn't want to talk much about the fight. The sight of it was probably very disturbing for him to see as well.

4.Explain who the King and the Duke are. Why does Huck go along with their story (Chapter 19)? Both the men talk about their lives and their story. Later they reveal that they aren't really who they said they were. The Younger man said that he was really an English Duke, then the Older man revealed that his true name was Dauphin, a long lost son of King Louis xvi of France. Huck goes along with their stories for now because he doesn't want to start quarrels. He's playing it safe.

5.What problems do you anticipate with the Duke’s solution to how they can all run the raft during the day (Chapter 20)? People will probably notice Jim during the day and will possible question what he is doing there, but also if the Duke is there they might just assume that Jim is a slave.

6. Illustrate the town that the play will be held in (Chapter 21). 

The town that the play is gonna be held at is not very friendly. There seems like there are a lot of fights and arguments a lot. Probably not a very peaceful place.



Chapter 22-26

1.Well since ladies and children can’t go in it shows that its for men and the men would want to really see the show since its only them allowed and would be curious. They also think the show will be better since they woman and children aren’t aloud.

 2. a, Because he doesn’t think it is that important to tell Jim because you couldn’t tell the difference between the real king anyway.

     b.What Huck meant by that was when he said this line “Yes, a duke’s different. But not very different. This one’s a middling hard lot for a duke. When he’s drunk there ain’t no near-sighted man could tell him from a king.” he meant that as you couldn’t really see the difference.

3. It means that no matter what people say Huck won’t change his perspective on the human race, He is not ashamed by it.

4.Because Huck decided he wouldn’t let the King and Duke steal money from the girls.

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